Joint IAAP/LAAP/ Vilnius University Conference  

The Interplay Between Culture and Psychotherapy: Research and Reflections   

Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania

11 –13 April , 2025


11 April, Friday

13 00- 13 30 Registration

13 30 – 14 00 Opening ceremony of the conference: IAAP President Misser Berg, LAAP President Goda Rukšaitė, Director  of the Department of Psychology of the Vilnius University Prof.  Roma Jusienė.

The Interplay Between Culture and Analytical Psychology: Research, Practice and Reflections

14 00 – 14 30 Prof. Gražina Gudaitė (VU, LAAP, Vilnius) Role of culture and engagement with unconscious in Jungian psychoanalysis

14 30 – 15 00 Arthur Niesser (AJA,London) Meeting the culturally other in the consulting room

15 00 15 20 Discussion

15 20 – 15 50 Coffee break

15 50 – 16 20 Prof. Verena Kast (CGJIZ, Zurich) Emotional creativity and cultural differences

16 20 – 16 50 Algirdas Petronis (LAAP, Vilnius) Cultural imagery as a transitional space: bridging inner and outer divisions

16 50 – 17 10 Discussion

17 10 – 17 20 Break

17 20 – 17 50 Lizbeth Myers Zacho (DSAP, Copenhagen) The role of women’s anger in different cultures

17 50 – 18 20 Svitlana Shevchenko (UDG, Zaporozhe) Ukrainian women and war: cultural aspects and historical perspective

18 20 – 18 40 Discussion

19 00 Reception

12 April, Saturday

Exploring Cultural Identity and Manifestation of Cultural Complexes

09 00- 09 30 Prof. Danutė Gailienė (VU, Vilnius) Cultural trauma as a violation of cultural identity

09 30 – 10 00 Catherina Vezzoli (CIPA, Milano) Navigating between transgenerational trauma and idealization. Building complex and inclusive cultural narratives in therapy

10 00 – 10 20 Discussion

10 20 – 10 50 Coffee break

10 50 11 20 Valentina Samus (UDG, Kyiv) Facing death: traditional and modern ways to cope with fear and grief

11 20 – 11 50 Malgorzata Kalinowska (PSJP, Krakow) To be able to approach the Future as a friend. Cultural complex and healing.

11 50 – 12 10 Discussion

12 10 – 12 20 Break

12 20 – 12 50 Dr. Jörg Rasche (DGPA, Berlin)The issue of cultural complexes in the context of the Russian war against Ukraine.

12 50 – 13 00 Discussion

1300 – 14 30 Lunch

14 30 – 15 00 Suzanna Wright (SAAP, London) Identity confusion and the cultural other - experiencing the “me" and "not me" in oneself

15 00 – 15 30 Ramona Gredzena (LAAP, Riga) Reflections on the role of literature in engagement with the unconscious in Jungian analysis

15 30 – 15 50 Discussion

15 50 – 16 20 Coffee break

16 20– 16 50 Linas Stankevičius (LAAP, Vilnius) Hidden layers of  culture: exploring cultural complexes in psychotherapy

16 50 – 17 20 Rūta Juzūlėnaitė (FEGAP, Tallin) Navigating cultural unconscious in search for cultural identity. Role of sound and music in approaching otherness

17 20 – 17 40 Discussion

19 00 Gala Dinner

13 April, Sunday

Understanding Culture as a Complex, Multidimensional Process in Today’s World

09 00 09 30 Marianne Muller (CGJIZ, Bern) Living democracy- inside and outside

09 30 – 10 00 Prof. Audrius Beinorius (VU, Vilnius) Psychoanalysis and culture: some postcolonial and anthropological reflections

10 00 10 20 Discussion

10 20 – 10 50 Coffee break

10 50 – 11 20 Prof. Jolanta Kowal (AJAP, Wroclaw University) The role of culture in shaping identity in a changing world: A Jungian perspective

11 20 – 11 50 Dr. Dovilė Petronytė Kvedarauskienė (VU, LAAP, Vilnius ) Culture confronts destruction: split, relatedness, solidified identity

11 50 – 12 10 Discussion

12 20 – 12 50 Prof. J. Cambray(CGJUNGENE, California) Cross-cultural Cyber-therapy: Opportunities and Challenges

12 50 – 13 10 Discussion

13 10 – 13 30 Closing of the conference